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Update: 05/10/2012 06:29
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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: Nike Donald Driver Jersey Murphy also asked trying to understand - 21/05/2012 09:04

That time, Murphy is the absolute core of the Reds defense, but he's famous, but is outside the role, Murphy became the representatives of the National Football League Players Association, this role has also helped shape his future career . Reds was central defender Peter Cronan said, then if invited to enter the players'association means for early discharge, and have always been this unspoken rules is that if your performance in association too positive, then the bosses will against you . Murphy said that in the first three years of his career, he saw a lot of unfair treatment of players, they are in a vulnerable position, there is no means of response, not a free transfer . Murphy that the Union's pension should be raised, players who retired before retirement protection should also be entitled to a pension . Redskins owner Jack Kent Cooke, a word can be summarized view of all the Union's boss, he said that Murphy was a Communist, because he and other players asked to share the Union, 5 5 percent of income . Strike in 1 9 8 2, Murphy became the most active player is the most talkative . Former president of Paul Tagliabue, the NFL was the chief adviser of the Union, only in retrospect, he said he always felt very particular, Murphy, Murphy always will be a lot of questions, but does not touch the bottom line . Even if we do not agree with our position, Nike Donald Driver Jersey   Murphy also asked trying to understand our real thoughts . Murphy believe that the hostility engendered by the strike is an imve director . In the second strike in 1 9 8 7, Murphy is the most important figures . With him and the NFLPA's executive director Gene Upshaw trying to put forward a new union labor agreements . 1 9 8 9, the NFLPA will report the Union bosses to court, and finally they won, and in 1 9 9 3 developed a new collective bargaining agreement . Under the agreement, the players are free to move, the bosses of income cap . Murphy said that since he is still very much miss the days of the period of struggle . Later Murphy at the Justice Department litigator, and then returned to his alma mater, Colgate University as a sporting director . In 2 0 0 3, he came to Northwestern University as a sporting director, responsible for 1 9 sports and Nike Charles Woodson Jersey   in charge of a $4 0 million budget . In the meantime, Murphy's work has achieved very good results, the Northwestern University student - athlete graduation rate of 9 8 % is the highest in the country . Murphy said he did not want to leave Northwestern University, but when someone asked me if interested in the work of the Packers, how do I say it ? The 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8 season to end Houbuleite - France Dover retired, he just led the team into the finals of the National Football League . At this time the team has a quarterback candidate, Aaron - Rogers . France Dover still hesitating whether to retire, the transition to Rogers in training camp quietly carried out . In 2 0 0 8, Murphy became the Packers CEO, June, he flew to Louisiana and France Dover consultations . France Dover may think that if he wanted to come back you can always come back, but I think he is no longer suitable to remain in this position, Murphy said . Murphy Fafoerti for a 1 0 - year $2 0 million contract, the outside, this contract is to appease Fafoeran quiet leave . A airborne like Murphy, the hero of the locals should please come back more appropriate, but general manager Ted Thompson and head coach Mike McCarthy that Rogers is ready, if waiting for the law Dover retired only delay transition time can not be avoided . Therefore, Murphy decided to cut the Gordian knot . Packers and France Dover to lift a contract, he later played for Nike Aaron Rodgers Jersey   other million . Despite the NFL's influence in the United States has reached its peak, but Murphy still hope that the team's revenue increased 4 percent to 5 percent . Murphy believes that the ratings of the game is still to improve, but the NFL tournament is one of the few viewers still want to watch live programs, and the NFL is to the world . Perhaps Murphy in terms of, the biggest challenge is the implementation of the NFL president Roger - Goode Doherty called the Union Management Committee members . Last summer, Murphy joined the Nike Donald Driver Jersey   Union negotiating team specializing in the players'association to discuss the collective bargaining agreement . Murphy completely changed from the employee for managers, and he is a younger version of himself . Although the names and faces have changed, but the negotiations have not changed the substantive issues, and Murphy was promoted : the proportion of the players should share affiliate revenue how ? Take into account Murphy was once a player representative, he's tough stance is very surprising . In an interview, when it comes to pensions and severance pay paid to the retired players of the injury, Murphy said he thought the Union has the players more than enough, if they feel like work, the Alliance will help them . NFLPA representative of his speech was very angry, and said that if Murphy's presence that they will refuse to conduct negotiations . The new collective bargaining agreement reached in the beginning of the season, the players get 4 8 % of the Union's revenue, this proportion is considerable and the results of the 1 9 8 2 strike . However, Murphy said, higher incomes, and players can be a free transfer, they will not be subject to unfair treatment as before . This may be true, and now the average NFL player salary is $7 7 0, 0 0 0 a year, but there are still huge differences between the players and management . Represents 4 0 NFL players, sports agent JR Rickert, said, If you want to get the same protection as the contract with the NBA and Major League Baseball players, NFL players still have a long way to go . Retirement benefits, and indeed increased, but it is the starting point is already too low . Murphy adhere to in the negotiating process are sincere . He said that the mature person will become more far - sighted . He believes that the players in the 1 9 8 0 s did suffer unfair treatment, but now the situation is entirely different . First, the players already have more rights and more respect between the players and boss each other, which is not in him at that time . Although he represents the other side of the negotiations is not easy to balance, but he very early began to have adapted to . The Packers are a very special position in the NFL, not in Green Bay, no one can profit from the alliance and special policy and, therefore, can not question the financial motivation of the Packers . Union, the former president, Tagliabue said, the Green Bay morally pure economic objective . When the boss in need of other teams with the approval of the new collective bargaining agreement, Goodell sent the Packers, Murphy to explain the nuances in the agreement and their moral purity . Goodell said, Nike Aaron Rodgers Jersey   able to reach an agreement, Murphy contributed . The Packers would have survived the accident of history . If this team's charter to allow shareholders access to over 2 0 0, 0 0 0 shares, if the team does not achieve such a high achievement in the game, or not so many loyal fans, the Packers also in Green Bay to survive ? Probably not, it is likely, like other small market teams, either disappeared or moved to a bigger market to . Union system is characterized by an orderly, predictable, and most importantly from the standards of other sports, more equitable, the Packers take full advantage of these : most of the revenue of the Packers, about $9 6 million from the the NFL TV rights to dividends, the NFL TV rights income in the 3 2 team score . Now the United States can not be a second Packers, because NFL rules do not allow the re - emergence of the public shareholders, they want the team has a financial strength and management capacity of the boss, do not want a proxy war in order to control the team . Some small - market teams have tried to emulate the Packers, but they failed . According to Forbes estimates, the value of an NFL charter member of the team's $1 billion, if not to the shareholders'dividends or shares changed hands at high prices to sell, then no one will be willing to invest . Finally, the Packers can survive is also a symbol of American culture, Americans prefer to see a disappointed man, work hard . Every home games in rambo stadium full of strong feelings in the United States may be only the playoffs, the Boston Red Sox, Fenway Park, with its par . 6 0, 0 0 0 spectators for the home, they have more than just watching the game is to defend their honor .  

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: achieve such a high achievement in the game - 21/05/2012 09:05

That time, Murphy is the absolute core of the Reds defense, but he's famous, but is outside the role, Murphy became the representatives of the National Football League Players Association, this role has also helped shape his future career . Reds was central defender Peter Cronan said, then if invited to enter the players'association means for early discharge, and have always been this unspoken rules is that if your performance in association too positive, then the bosses will against you . Murphy said that in the first three years of his career, he saw a lot of unfair treatment of players, they are in a vulnerable position, there is no means of response, not a free transfer . Murphy that the Union's pension should be raised, players who retired before retirement protection should also be entitled to a pension . Redskins owner Jack Kent Cooke, a word can be summarized view of all the Union's boss, he said that Murphy was a Communist, because he and other players asked to share the Union, 5 5 percent of income . Strike in 1 9 8 2, Murphy became the most active player is the most talkative . Former president of Paul Tagliabue, the NFL was the chief adviser of the Union, only in retrospect, he said he always felt very particular, Murphy, Murphy always will be a lot of questions, but does not touch the bottom line . Even if we do not agree with our position, Nike Donald Driver Jersey Murphy also asked trying to understand our real thoughts . Murphy believe that the hostility engendered by the strike is an important reason to cut short his career . In 1 9 8 3, Murphy was the best intercept hands of the Union, and has been a starting member of can be injured his left knee in 1 9 8 4 had to stop a few games . One afternoon, Murphy is doing stretching exercises when team owner Jack Kent Cooke came to ask for his injuries . Murphy said that it should take several weeks to Cooke, said, it does not matter, do not play how you think ? Murphy still insist on early discharge is a very wise choice . He said of course I can continue the game, and I think he was still in a golden stage, but the most difficult thing in life is how to do a good job after retirement transition . Later, Murphy went to night George Washington University Law school, and during the day and then become NFLPA assistant executive director . In the second strike in 1 9 8 7, Murphy is the most important figures . With him and the NFLPA's executive director Gene Upshaw trying to put forward a new union labor agreements . 1 9 8 9, the NFLPA will report the Union bosses to court, and finally they won, and in 1 9 9 3 developed a new collective bargaining agreement . Under the agreement, the players are free to move, the bosses of income cap . Murphy said that since he is still very much miss the days of the period of struggle . Later Murphy at the Justice Department litigator, and then returned to his alma mater, Colgate University as a sporting director . In 2 0 0 3, he came to Northwestern University as a sporting director, responsible for 1 9 sports and Nike Charles Woodson Jersey in charge of a $4 0 million budget . In the meantime, Murphy's work has achieved very good results, the Northwestern University student - athlete graduation rate of 9 8 % is the highest in the country . Murphy said he did not want to leave Northwestern University, but when someone asked me if interested in the work of the Packers, how do I say it ? The 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8 season to end Houbuleite - France Dover retired, he just led the team into the finals of the National Football League . At this time the team has a quarterback candidate, Aaron - Rogers . France Dover still hesitating whether to retire, the transition to Rogers in training camp quietly carried out . In 2 0 0 8, Murphy became the Packers CEO, June, he flew to Louisiana and France Dover consultations . France Dover may think that if he wanted to come back you can always come back, but I think he is no longer suitable to remain in this position, Murphy said . Murphy Fafoerti for a 1 0 - year $2 0 million contract, the outside, this contract is to appease Fafoeran quiet leave . A airborne like Murphy, the hero of the locals should please come back more appropriate, but general manager Ted Thompson and head coach Mike McCarthy that Rogers is ready, if waiting for the law Dover retired only delay transition time can not be avoided . Therefore, Murphy decided to cut the Gordian knot . Packers and France Dover to lift a contract, he later played for Nike Aaron Rodgers Jersey other teams and outside the scandal continue, since Rogers's performance is very prominent, the Packers up and down on Murphy's ability to control the situation deep a sense of admiration . Last year, Rogers led his team to the Super Bowl champion, unbeaten this season . Since 2 0 0 8, the team's operating income increased by 3 0 % . Murphy has improved the sales performance of stores and official website, and also installed the software can accurately track revenue . Packers official website click - through rate is higher than the big e - commerce site in the off - season weekly sales revenue of $1 0 0, 0 0 0 last season's playoffs during six weeks of income over $9, 0 0 0, 0 0 0, for Murphy also spent $4 million to buy a large warehouse near the sports field . The Packers also announced the transformation of the stadium, and to raise funds by issuing new shares, so the team each season revenues will increase $8 0 0 to $1 0 million . Despite the NFL's influence in the United States has reached its peak, but Murphy still hope that the team's revenue increased 4 percent to 5 percent . Murphy believes that the ratings of the game is still to improve, but the NFL tournament is one of the few viewers still want to watch live programs, and the NFL is to the world . Perhaps Murphy in terms of, the biggest challenge is the implementation of the NFL president Roger - Goode Doherty called the Union Management Committee members . Last summer, Murphy joined the Nike Donald Driver Jersey Union negotiating team specializing in the players'association to discuss the collective bargaining agreement . Murphy completely changed from the employee for managers, and he is a younger version of himself . Although the names and faces have changed, but the negotiations have not changed the substantive issues, and Murphy was promoted : the proportion of the players should share affiliate revenue how ? Take into account Murphy was once a player representative, he's tough stance is very surprising . In an interview, when it comes to pensions and severance pay paid to the retired players of the injury, Murphy said he thought the Union has the players more than enough, if they feel like work, the Alliance will help them . NFLPA representative of his speech was very angry, and said that if Murphy's presence that they will refuse to conduct negotiations . The new collective bargaining agreement reached in the beginning of the season, the players get 4 8 % of the Union's revenue, this proportion is considerable and the results of the 1 9 8 2 strike . However, Murphy said, higher incomes, and players can be a free transfer, they will not be subject to unfair treatment as before . This may be true, and now the average NFL player salary is $7 7 0, 0 0 0 a year, but there are still huge differences between the players and management . Represents 4 0 NFL players, sports agent JR Rickert, said, If you want to get the same protection as the contract with the NBA and Major League Baseball players, NFL players still have a long way to go . Retirement benefits, and indeed increased, but it is the starting point is already too low . Murphy adhere to in the negotiating process are sincere . He said that the mature person will become more far - sighted . He believes that the players in the 1 9 8 0 s did suffer unfair treatment, but now the situation is entirely different . First, the players already have more rights and more respect between the players and boss each other, which is not in him at that time . Although he represents the other side of the negotiations is not easy to balance, but he very early began to have adapted to . The Packers are a very special position in the NFL, not in Green Bay, no one can profit from the alliance and special policy and, therefore, can not question the financial motivation of the Packers . Union, the former president, Tagliabue said, the Green Bay morally pure economic objective . When the boss in need of other teams with the approval of the new collective bargaining agreement, Goodell sent the Packers, Murphy to explain the nuances in the agreement and their moral purity . Goodell said, Nike Aaron Rodgers Jersey able to reach an agreement, Murphy contributed . The Packers would have survived the accident of history . If this team's charter to allow shareholders access to over 2 0 0, 0 0 0 shares, if the team does not achieve such a high achievement in the game, or not so many loyal fans, the Packers also in Green Bay to survive ? Probably not, it is likely, like other small market teams, either disappeared or moved to a bigger market to . Union system is characterized by an orderly, predictable, and most importantly from the standards of other sports, more equitable, the Packers take full advantage of these : most of the revenue of the Packers, about $9 6 million from the the NFL TV rights to dividends, the NFL TV rights income in the 3 2 team score . Now the United States can not be a second Packers, because NFL rules do not allow the re - emergence of the public shareholders, they want the team has a financial strength and management capacity of the boss, do not want a proxy war in order to control the team . Some small - market teams have tried to emulate the Packers, but they failed . According to Forbes estimates, the value of an NFL charter member of the team's $1 billion, if not to the shareholders'dividends or shares changed hands at high prices to sell, then no one will be willing to invest . Finally, the Packers can survive is also a symbol of American culture, Americans prefer to see a disappointed man, work hard . Every home games in rambo stadium full of strong feelings in the United States may be only the playoffs, the Boston Red Sox, Fenway Park, with its par . 6 0, 0 0 0 spectators for the home, they have more than just watching the game is to defend their honor .

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: Rogers is not i Devin Hester Jersey - 05/10/2012 06:29

On September fourteenth morning 8:20 points, the second week of the regular season NFL a focus on game for, and the green bay bagger team will return home lang bo stadium, against with partition enemy Chicago grizzlies. After more than three hours of fighting, with 23 bagger than 10 beat grizzlies, win new season's first victory. Last week after losing at home, green bay bagger team also began to feel the pressure of th Julius Peppers Jersey e body, they are also the only region in a losing team. Ace quarterback Aaron Rogers (Aaron Rodgers) did not show the best state, although from the 303 yards and two pass of array, but eventually his critical moment in the fourth quarter of the copied cut led his team to lose finally. Therefore bagger team fluctuation of one mind, want to use with area rivals to get lose dignity. The whole game Rogers 32 times pass success 22 times, forward distance for 219 yards, one of array, but five times escape kill, and one passing copied section, from the data to see, Rogers is not i Devin Hester Jersey n the best competitive state. However, grizzlies quarterback performance can be a nightmare, he 27 times pass success only 11 times Johnny Knox Jersey , forward distance for 126 yards, one of array, 4 times pass copied cut, total be escape killed 7 times, grizzlies is difficult to threaten bagger team's red sector. , NFL2012 season in the first week of a game, the Chicago bears team at home to 41-21 win top quarterback Andrew pull grams of leading the Indianapolis colts. Jay - Lord cutler (JayCutler) sent out two of array, run health Matt - ford (Matt Forte) and new signing Brandon - Marshall (Brandon Marshall) also have good performance. And the Lord cutler and Marshall the perfect cooperation of let people feel like they have never separate. Lord cutler 35 times pass 21 times completed, promote the 333 code, 2 of matrix, one copy section, 2 times by escape kill. Marshall nine times catch propulsion 119 yards, 1 of array. Ford 16 times holding propulsion 80 yards, 1 of array, plus 40 yards catch propulsion. New signing Michael bush 12 times holding propulsion and code, contribute 2 of array. La g 45 times 23 times p Lance Briggs Jersey ass completion, promote the 309 yards, shortly after the start of the fourth passing help donnie - ai wally propulsion 4 code of array. But pull g also have one lose off the ball, 3 times by escape killed and three times by copy cut. Peyton manning - before passing target reggie - the game Wayne nine times catch propulsion 135 yards. In the all star run health and have strong arm quarterback lead bottom, grizzlies scored accumulated propulsion 428 code, of which the first half propulsion 287 yards, and set up 10 points lead. And this is only a new offensive coordinator mike - tice came to the team after the first game. The third quarter in game six yards ford rushed the ball of matrix and robbie - gould's free-kick grizzlies will lead swelled t Gabe Carimi Jersey o 20 points. Colts' wide receiver Austin's - the game did not play because of concussion, DE walt - fritz in the start of the game, soon after ankle make them again was hit.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: but the two did well r Andre Carter Jersey unning back, - 05/10/2012 06:29

The 2012-13 season regular season NFL New England patriots away challenge buffalo bill team, finally, in a score war, more strength of the patriots laugh at the end of the day, in the comp Aaron Hernandez Jersey leted a 14 points after the big reversal, patriots final victory over the bill to 52:28 team, will be promoted to record of 2 wins and two negative. At the beginning of the game, patriots through the running back Stephen was in (Stevan Ridley) of blunt ball lead, and the fact is also occupy a certain initiative, in the next buffalo bill's attack, the quarterback Ryan · phenanthrene, Patrick (Ryan Fitzpatrick) jump to a long ball by the patriot Angle WeiDeWen · thucydides pedicle (Devin McCourty) copy of cut. Just when everyone thought the game will be in accordance with the patriots control easily win, the a sudden change in the situation, bill team in the Philippines, Patrick's offense under scheduling in the next attack through the patriots two catcher Rob · lattice lung cove, base (Rob Gronkowski) and Wes wehle g (Wes Welker) mistakes twice finished passing of array, rely on the tight end Scott Chandler (Scott Chandler) two volleys of matrix, the bill before half-time team unexpectedly to again - ". The third quarter, patriots first attack is still the effect not beautiful, exchange the ball after bill team offensive, phenanthrene, Patrick a seemingly casual pass to wide receiver Donald Jones (Donald Jones) but after accidentally received surprise effect, Jones intelligent running success tear the patriots defense second li Danny Woodhead Jersey ne, and successfully completed a more than 68 yards catch up to array, the enlarged when. Patriots eyes seemed to be welcomed a three-game losing streak, into the 21st century later, patriots never start in the regular season had 1-3 start. Tom brady said: "on the road behind 14 points, this for us will be a huge challenge, but I always believe that we will fight to the end, I firmly believe that. But the next game, almost has been into the extremi Vince Wilfork Jersey ty of the patriots quickly find the feeling of the game, in the next attack quarterback Tom Brady (Tom Brady) led the team completed a 85 yards propulsion, and in the red sector found ran front Danny hill-wood Hyde (Danny Woodhead) finish of matrix, and the third quarter 4 minutes left when she ran array of array success will level the score. The next game, psychological defense has been the collapse of bill team has completely unable to resist the patriots of any one attack, lattice lung cove, base, LeiDeLi, run front Brandon's colo (Brandon Bolden), wide receiver Brandon Roy DE (Brandon Lloyd) in the next game each completed of matrix, and bill team is just a wide receiver Brad Smith (Brad Smith) in the final patriot defense a little slack group completed a save face catch up to array. Finally spurs in the 52:28. Bill team, four points WeiFei, Patrick game efferent 350 yards and four pass of array, but there are as many as four copied cut and ran front CJ · peller (C.J. Spiller) and Fred Jackson (Fred Jackson) a total of 21 times rushed the ball only 62 yards Ryan Mallett Jersey of propulsion, and have their own a off ball lost the ball. The whole game, patriots biggest hero is not spread 340 yards and three pass of array of Tom brady, but the two did well r Andre Carter Jersey unning back, and ran front Stephen was in 22 rushed the ball finished 106 yards, substitute ran front brandon's colo 16 times rushed the ball is pushing up to 137 yards, the two game in the first half and the third quarter patriots passing attack the effect not beautiful time timely through the run matrix opened the offensive situation, and the last patriots have two ran front finished 100 yards above the impact the ball and goes to 1982. Coach Bill bailey chique (Bill Belichick) said: "this is what I would like to see attack, this is no magic." Since the brady become patriots quarterback start since, the team against bill team has made 19 wins, two negative defensive record, in these games brady has made 49 touchdowns passing and seven games 300 yards above the pass. This victory is also coach bailey chique career victory 194, row in the NFL's coach of the eighth.